7 Deadly Sins of Wedding Planning
Everyone knows the wedding day is all about the bride and groom, but those 225 people who have dedicated a day of their lives to share in your special time should be considered too! Any of us who have attended a wedding as a guest have encountered at least one of these problems...we have comprised a list of the worst ones we have encountered over the years. So if you are planing a wedding...be sure to avoid them if you can!
1. The Inconvenient Date
Think it over before asking guests come out on the day after Thanksgiving or Valentines day. Hosting during a holiday may disrupt traditions or celebrations they'd prefer not to miss. Choosing a date around an inconvenient date may also ensure lots of empty seats, but if thats what your hoping for them go ahead and book those Christmas eve nuptials.
2. Pulling Out The Cash
Cash bars...really?!?! I would much rather have a limited beer & wine bar if a host cannot afford a full bar then to shell out for my own booze, its pretty inconsiderate.
Cash Bars are never a good thing!
3. Its too hot...its too cold
Wedding guests hate this experienced a wedding that is either scorching or freezing cold. Subjecting guests to extreme weather conditions will severely cramp their style. If you have an outdoor wedding provide shade for the sun or heat lamps for cooler nights...your guests will appreciate the extra mile your going for their comfort.
4. Food - too much of a bad thing is never a good thing
I rather have small portions of amazing food rather than a ton of bad food. Brides and Grooms think that more is better, stuff guests until they pop, but that food tends to be sub-par. Good food is what guests save their appetite for all day, don't make them regret it.
5. Never-Ending Toasts
Toasts should be short and sweet...Maid of Honor, Best Man...maybe a parent...TOPS! All 13 of her sorority sisters should not be saying a few words about the happy couple...guests have a short attention span!
6. DJ, Please Stop The Music
There is nothing worse then crazy techno-house music when most of your guests are in their 60's. Dancing is a must at wedding, think about who is there and what they like. A little Frank Sinatra will make your older guests get on out there and dance!
7. Ungracious Hosts
You should stop and say thank you to all of your guests...not a 30 minute recap of the ceremony...but a few quick words will be very appreciated!
Avoid these 7 deadly sins of the aggravated wedding guest and your will be guaranteed an amazing time!